Batiste Testing

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Test Questions

Karate was invented in what country?  Korea           China               Japan

What does karate means? ____________________________________________________

Kung Fu was developed using how many animal forms? ____________________________

The word Tae Kwon do means what? ___________________________________________

Judo means what? __________________________________________________________

What is WCRB Karate?_______________________________________________________

Master Batiste’s most prominent instructor is known as what?


What does it mean to succeed in life?___________________________________________

In order to succeed in life you must have DAGPAW. What is DAGPAW?







What does discipline mean?_________________________________________________

What is a goal?__________________________________________________________

In our system, what do we use to teach us how to set and obtain a goal?


If you pass this belt test, what is your next goal?_______________________________

Why is it important to get A’s and B’s?______________________________________