Safety Plus: WCRB Karate’s new age of self-defensive measures!

In this article, I’m going to talk about the new lineup of self-defense options that martial arts have to offer.

Under normal circumstances when someone speaks about protecting themselves with martial arts they are usually speaking about personal safety i.e. someone is trying to do them bodily harm, and they block, kick, counter, etc.

Getting Sick  -  Exercise is the number one way to prevent yourself from getting common illnesses: colds, flu, etc. I have modified my program to zero in on specific ways to improve the body’s natural immunity ability. Cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscle strengthening routines are commonplace in an average class. The best part is that I didn’t have to change or add anything to what I already do, just do it more intently.


Fatigue –   Fatigue falls into two categories physical and mental. Aside from physical exertion (picking things up, pushing things around, etc.) fatigue generally comes from lack of oxygen to body parts (specifically body parts that are engaged in a stressful activity).


One way that martial arts uses the weight of the body to exercise muscles is with off-balance angular positions (think stances). Stances build muscle fibers and enable the fibers to process oxygen more efficiently.


Another way that martial arts promotes sustained energy is with rapid-fire punches and kicks. Rapid-fire punches and kicks flood muscles with blood, which carries oxygen which enables muscles to perform demanding tasks longer.


Both of those exercises help get muscles into shape; when a muscle is in good shape it is better able to process oxygen thus allowing for more energy for longer periods.


Martial arts exercises, especially patterns, require participants to inhale and exhale deeper than normal thus enhance oxygen intake. Oxygen is carried through the blood to the brain which promotes clarity of thought and mental acuity.


Being Able to Make The Cut – When you are young the biggest event in your life can be participating in a team sport; especially if you can secure a prized position on the team.

High School coaches across America look for kids with better than average coordination to get them involved in exam sports which could eventually lead to a scholarship.

Martial arts enhances hand-eye and physical coordination which can make it much easier to secure not only a position but the prized position of a team.


Poverty – Martial Arts is one of the few industries with a mandate towards good grades. Because of my and other studios' “Academic Excellence programs” many martial arts students have brought their grades up from C’s to A’s & B’s. Thus ensuring that as they grow they will be able to a vocation that will satisfy income demands for the standard of living they desire.


Aging – No one can completely stop the aging process. What we CAN do is slow it down. One of the major complaints of people who reach an age where aging interrupts daily function is the loss of flexibility. Martial arts exercises help maintain range of motion with ingrained stretching routines: stances and blocks not only help to maintain range but can improve it.