The Power of Habits

Get it right! Help your child make goal setting a habit.

As I work with kids I teach them, through martial arts, how to succeed in life. The first thing that I help them to understand is “success means that you get the things out of life that you want.”

The long and short of it is everyone will want to be something at some point in their lives. I can not think of anything more demoralizing than applying to do something and finding out that you do not have the skills to do it. I have been there. When I joined the Army, I was asked what job in which I was interested. I gave them a list of three things in which I was interested. I did not qualify for any of them. Instead, I was given a job that I was qualified to do.

Though I settled into the job (clerk typist) I suffered months of depression before I did. Do you want that for your child?

Besides discipline, there are two essential elements that you must have to succeed: the first is an ability to set and obtain a goal; the second is the habit of setting and accomplishing goals.

If I know anything about the human experience, I know that we are creatures of habit.

Children are in their “formative years” which means that they are developing into the persons that they will become at twenty-one. A parent’s job is to mold or “form” them into what you want to be: healthy, productive, contributing members of society.

A problem with parenting is, what you do not know affects your child. Example: When I was a child my mother did not know how to set and accomplish goals so she taught me what she knew and thought that I would benefit from how to clean, how to cook etc.

You! On the other hand, are in a different situation because I am here to help you understand how to give your child the tools to succeed. All that you must do is take advantage of what I have to offer. Starting today I will be working with my karate kids on forming the habit of setting and accomplishing goals with belt testing. I need you to help me help you.

May you have everything that you want and want everything that you have.
