Martial Arts:

feel the difference


It all started when…

Martial Arts: feel the difference.


Martial arts and the mind:

            Martial arts moves are foreign to the body. Most of them are counter intuitive: like taking strides with your right hand and foot simultaneously or walking with your knees bent at seventy-five-degree angles.  To do this your mind must have one hundred percent engagement with your body. Long term practicing like this improves mental endurance that can be used in the office or in school to combat mental fatigue.


Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption “EPOC”


Counter to aerobic, martial arts workouts are anaerobic a process which throws your body into oxygen debt. This process is crucial to converting the nutrients that you consume into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the fuel your body needs for muscular activity; because of it, similar to how coals are still hot hours after the flame is put out, your body will continue to burn calories long after the workout is finished. This physiological effect is called Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption and is a standard byproduct of vigorous martial arts workouts.



Since its inception, yoga exercises have been an integral part of martial arts workouts. Not only are the stretches used to decrease the potential of muscle injury prior to a workout, but they are also used to improve circulation, remove lactate acid buildup after workouts to reduce soreness, reduce stress, reduce stiffness, relieve back aches, and maintain muscular elasticity.


Deep Breathing

Martial arts breath control and deep breathing exercises expand the lungs allowing them to ingest greater amounts of oxygen which is carried to the brain to improve acuity, and the metabolism for longer, more efficient use. Additionally, increased oxygen to the muscles improves endurance while relieving fatigue and stress.



A real plus unique to martial arts from its inception are meditation exercises that promote tranquility, a connection to self, a more centered sense of being, and peace from within.


Martial arts workouts correct bad posture which helps corrects spine alignment, reduces tension from muscles, and help circulation.